Hi Nicholas

I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around classic mode. Classic mode
means unconfined, right?

What are the reasons for this switch? Is the snap still cross-distro? Will
the snap have some expectations about the system outside of the snap? What
are the advantages of an unconfined snap over a deb package?

This isn't strictly Juju related, but maybe you can shed some light on
this. I don't follow the project close enough to understand this feature.
Confinement was key to the goals of snaps, ever since the click days.. Why
the 180 now?

I would think that if an application like Juju can't work in a confined
snap, then snaps have an inherent flaw that needs to be fixed instead of
having the workaround of the classic mode. Paraphrasing the story I've
heard so many times: Snaps enable devs to push code directly to users
without having to go through the long review process of the distro.
Security and stability concerns are countered with confinement. Snaps
enable devs to package once, run anywhere. Confinement + frameworks makes
this possible...

Snaps without confinement just seems like someone just brought .debs into
the 21 century, and that seems very underwhelming to me. What am I missing

Kind regards

2017-02-28 20:52 GMT+01:00 Nicholas Skaggs <nicholas.ska...@canonical.com>:

> Those of you subscribed to a snap channel may have noticed some nice
> changes that happened with 2.1 release. The juju snap package now utilizes
> classic mode, and all channels (including stable) are now active. You
> should expect feature parity (including things like bash completion) with
> the debian package of juju. In addition, the juju snap also shares
> environments with the debian installed version. This means your current
> models and credentials are utilized.
> I would encourage those that haven't yet tried out the snap to do so and
> provide feedback. I think you'll find it a quick and easy way to get juju.
> snap install juju --classic
> Those of you who want to build your own snap to share will also find it
> much easier. By default, running snapcraft on the juju tree will build a
> snap using your local tree and will bundle the needed agent. The
> snapcraft.yaml also points out how easily you can grab a specific branch,
> commit or tag to snap up. Sharing your own version of the juju client with
> the world is as simple as "snapcraft, snapcraft release".
> You'll find the snap related things in the snap folder in the juju git
> tree. As always PRs welcome!
> Nicholas
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