Hiya Tom,

> Anyway, when we were in Gent Pete gave a cool demo of the Matrix testing
solution which is idea for the stuff we're working on, whats the status of
that? Are we likely to see a release any time soon?

Since Ghent, juju-matrix has acquired conjure-up support, been packaged in
a snap ("sudo snap install --classic --edge juju-matrix"), acquired support
for auto discovery of end-to-end tests, and had lots of bug fixes.

You're welcome to install the snap, and help find bugs to add to the issue
tracker here: https://github.com/juju-solutions/matrix/milestone/1

(You'll note that we basically have one race condition to fix, and JaaS
support to finalize before it graduates from alpha to beta.)

The docs live at
https://jujucharms.com/docs/devel/developer-testing#matrix, and
I'm always pingable on this list or on IRC if you have any questions :-)

~ PeteVG
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