Hi All,

I wanted to send a note about some changes in the way we handle charm
reviews and the top-level namespace of the charm store. We’ve taken a look
at what’s happened in the past and where we want to get to and decided that
a much more lightweight process is the way forward.

The biggest change is actually the sunsetting of the charm review queue.
The reality is the process as it stands cannot keep up with the demand for
reviews. We’ve decided to take a community curation approach.

A charm review is no longer a prerequisite for promulgation to the
top-level namespace of the charm store. If you would like your charm
promulgated, and the name is available, you may simply request promulgation
on this mailing list. A member of the ~charmers Launchpad group will then:


   Download your charm using `charm pull`

   Run `charm proof` on your charm

   Ensure you have `charm set` a bugs-url and homepage

   If 2 or 3 fails, the charmer will request an update to the charm

   `charm promulgate` the charm (or request that #2-3 be fixed)

   `charm grant` you write access on the promulgated charm

Some things to keep in mind as a charm author:


   It is your responsibility as the charm author and maintainer to test
   your charm and ensure its quality and security.

   Promulgation to the top level does not imply endorsement by Canonical.

   Charm authors are encouraged to use their personal or group namespace.
   Although promulgation is still available, there is nothing wrong with using
   personal and group namespaces.

For those seeking assistance with charm development, members of ~charmers
and other proficient charm developers are available in #juju on Freenode
IRC and on this mailing list. Discontinuing the formal charm review process
does not in any way decrease the availability of or access to these
resources. If you need help, just ask!

In the coming weeks, the docs at jujucharms.com will be updated to reflect
these changes. The review queue (review.jujucharms.com) will be shut down,
and all open reviews will be closed with a comment/email linking to this
explanatory post. Anyone with an open review that still desires
promulgation can request it with an email to this list.

If you have any questions or concerns, please reply to this post!


Tim Van Steenburgh
Juju mailing list
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