On 02/21/2018 04:47 PM, David Britton wrote:
On Wed, Feb 21, 2018 at 04:11:44PM -0500, fengxia wrote:
Hi Juju,

Is anyone seeing this? I'm running the same setup as yesterday's, then
updated `apt update && apt upgrade` this morning. All of a sudden `juju
bootstrap localhost ..` stuck at Attempting to connect. LXC container was
created and had an IP, but juju won't connect somehow?

1. Tried reconfiguring LXD to different network addresses, not helpful.

2. Made sure `.local/share/juju/ssh/juju_id_rsa` has mode 0600

Any idea what to try?
If you have your lxd container created, you can get access to it

lxc list
lxc exec <container> bash
# look in /var/log/cloud*, /var/log/juju/*,
# /var/log/syslog, etc for errors

Also, you can run your `juju bootstrap` in --debug mode, which gives a
lot more data.

Specifically make sure you can:

1) create an lxc container

2) ssh into the container

3) that container has proper connectivity, including the ability to install packages


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