This worked finally!
I did pyinitialize("C:\Anaconda\python") as suggested by Steve.
I am now able to use PyPlot.
So the question remains...what is broken in PyCall?
What is the solution

On Monday, January 27, 2014 2:28:45 PM UTC-5, Steven G. Johnson wrote:
> I installed on a fresh machine with Anaconda, and I didn't have to set any 
> environment variables at all ... everything needed was done by the Anaconda 
> installer.   My guess is that you have some leftover settings (environment 
> vars? registry?) from your earlier attempts with Enthought or whatever and 
> it is screwing things up.
> On Monday, January 27, 2014 2:09:54 PM UTC-5, Rajn wrote:
>> Yes, I did both.
>> I tried just PYTHONHOME=C:\Anaconda
>> did not work.
>> Can you please advice me on the following please?
>> 1. that while installing pyplot, the PYTHONHOME variable should already 
>> be set?
>> 2. is there any way to print out variables from PyCall.jl? If I can print 
>> the variable 'lib' to what it is printing? According to the error displayed 
>> it occurs when it looks for the library directory.
>> I tried to force it to "python27.dll" but I am always getting the same 
>> error no matter what.
>> 3. what should I try in pyinitialize("?") - should it be python27? Tried 
>> it but did not work.
> Try pyinitialize("C:\Anaconda\python"), or whatever the name of your 
> executable is; you could also try giving it the DLL location directly, i.e. 
> pyinitialize("C:\Anaconda\python27.dll")

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