You are right. I have done real-world projects with Matlab, and I am giving
lectures on Matlab, but I have never seen or used these functions. I guess
removing them now they are here will not be reasonable.

I fear, some of my students will be glad to hear about these functions.

On Tuesday, February 4, 2014 6:44:51 PM UTC+1, Stuart Brorson wrote:
> These functions are included in Matlab as convenience functions.  They 
> do get used frequently by folks working with real-world measurements. 
> It is true that one can always do rad = (x/180)*pi, but this 
> introduces the possibility of one ULP error in the calling arg.  Not 
> big, admittedly, but try doing sind(180) vs. sin(pi) and see what the 
> results are. 
> In any event, keeping them around as convenience functions is useful 
> for folks coming from (or porting code from) at Matlab background. 
> Just my opinion. 
> Stuart 

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