Issue #484 <> seems to 
indicate it is on purpose. 

On Wednesday, February 5, 2014 3:00:39 PM UTC+2, Christian Groll wrote:
> Since updating DataFrames and DataArrays recently, operators and basic 
> functions are not working on DataFrames anymore. Is this a new design 
> decision, or only temporary due to restructuring the code base?
> julia> Pkg.status()
>  - DataFrames                    0.5.1
>  - DataArrays                    0.1.1
> julia> df = DataFrame(rand(4, 2))
> 4x2 DataFrame
> |-------|----------|----------|
> | Row # | x1       | x2       |
> | 1     | 0.698851 | 0.353054 |
> | 2     | 0.427287 | 0.76353  |
> | 3     | 0.872991 | 0.182744 |
> | 4     | 0.779048 | 0.554823 |
> julia> df + 1
> ERROR: no method +(DataFrame, Int64)
> julia> mean(df)
> ERROR: no method +((ASCIIString,DataArray{Float64,1}), 
> (ASCIIString,DataArray{Float64,1}))
>  in mean at statistics.jl:11
> julia> df + df
> ERROR: no method +(DataFrame, DataFrame)

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