In the Calculus.jl package, there is a hessian function where you can stick
in you likelihood and the estimate.

2014-02-05 Bradley Fay <>:

> I'm trying to figure out how to compute/recover the standard error of the
> estimates for a simple linear regression using MLE and simulated. Here is
> the code I'm using to generate data, compute the likelihood function, and
> optimize the function.
> using Optim
> using Distributions
> xmat = [ones(10000,1) rand(Normal(2,1),10000)]; #creating matrix of 
> Independent varibles
> u = rand(Normal(0,1),10000); #create vector of normally distributed errors 
> mean 0 std 1
> ymat = xmat*[3,2] + u; #generating dependent variables.
> start_val = [1.0,1.0,1.0]; #Starting values for MLE estimation. Need to be in 
> float format.
> #Beginning of Likelihood function
> function ll(param);
>         b1=param[1];
>         b2=param[2];
>         sig=param[3];
>         ee =  ymat-xmat*[b1,b2];
>         loglik = -0.5*log(2*pi*sig^2)-0.5*(ee.^2)/sig^2;
>         -sum(loglik);
> end;
> optimize(ll,start_val)
> I'm more familiar with Gauss and MATLAB as I just started playing with
> Julia yesterday. To compute the standard errors in the identical situation
> in MATLAB, I can directly compute the square root of the diagonal of the
> inverse of the numerical hessian because Matlab will return the hessian.
> mlese=sqrt(diag(inv(hessian))); #MATLAB Code for computing standard errors
> Is there a way to do this in Julia? I'm having trouble figuring this out.
>  Thanks!

Med venlig hilsen

Andreas Noack Jensen

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