julia> symbol("test test")
:test test

On 07 Feb 2014, at 18:25, Ismael VC <ismael.vc1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> julia> a = :test
> :test
> julia> typeof(a)
> Symbol
> julia> b = :test test
> ERROR: syntax: extra token "test" after end of expression
> julia> b = :"test test" # Ruby style?
> "test test"
> julia> typeof(b) # Not a Symbol?
> ASCIIString (constructor with 1 method)
> julia> b = symbol(b) # How to write it without calling symbol() function.
> :test test
> julia> typeof(b)
> Symbol
> I just red that in Ruby you use:
> :"test test"
> in Smalltalk:
> #'test test'
> and in Lisp:
> |test test|

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