My concern is that there seem to be a lot of special-case things about 
scoping and evaluation, which makes actual use of homoiconicity rather 
painful/difficult, and produces unexpected results for some classes of 
programs.  Perhaps David Moon's idea of Contexts would address this.  But 
they have to be used consistently.

Meanwhile my workaround of generating new modules on the fly and using them 
as evaluation contexts seems to be possible.



On Sunday, February 9, 2014 7:22:03 PM UTC-8, Stefan Karpinski wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 9, 2014 at 7:10 PM, Bill Janssen <<javascript:>
> > wrote:
>> I just want to be able to get my hands on the inner scope blocks.
> This you can't do, by design. When a dynamic language is implemented as a 
> straightforward interpreter, local environments are just hash tables and 
> it's so easy to expose them as first-class values that it's difficult to 
> resist the temptation to do so – especially since it seems like such a 
> powerful feature. But allowing local environments to escape is a disaster 
> as soon as you want to optimize your code. Unless the compiler can prove 
> that the local environment can't possibly escape, it can't optimize 
> anything, because if the local environment escapes, basically any crazy 
> thing can happen at any point in time: every function might change the 
> value of every local binding, including changing the type of values that 
> variables are bound to and introduce entirely new bindings. Not only is 
> this terrible for compilers trying to optimize code, but it makes it 
> equally as impossible for programmers to reason about that what code will 
> do. Sure, you can tell people not to do that sort of thing, but then why 
> allow it in the first place? These are exactly the kind of marginal 
> features that make traditional highly dynamic languages so difficult to 
> optimize. Rather than implementing fancy compiler shenanigans that try to 
> prove that local environments don't escape, Julia simply doesn't reify 
> local environments, via eval or otherwise.
> Sorry for the rant, this should probably go in our FAQ.

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