The following code doesn't behave as I'd expect:

julia> reduce((x,y) -> (x * int(y)), 1, ["1", "2", "3"])
ERROR: no method *(ASCIIString,Int64)
 in anonymous at none:1
 in r_pairwise at reduce.jl:135
 in reduce at reduce.jl:183

I was expecting reduce() to take my op and do something like *(*(*(1, 
int("1")), int("2")), int("3")) (I understand the associativity is not 
guaranteed, but * is associative anyway). Instead it gives this error. Am I 
misunderstanding something?

In fact, I can't figure out how to get reduce() working with any op that 
has a different output type from either of its input types. With bitext of 
type Vector{(Vector{String}, Vector{String})}, I run

reduce((f_vocab, fe) -> union!(f_vocab, fe[1])::Set{S}, Set{S}(), bitext)

and get

ERROR: no method union!((Array{String,1},Array{String,1}),Array{String,1})

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