I think I figured it out. Your code gives a much nicer stacktrace than 
Unknown() from Sims.jl was for some reason:

ERROR: access to undefined reference
 in unsafe_copy! at array.jl:41
 in copy! at array.jl:51
 in getindex at array.jl:296
 in splice! at array.jl:643
 in * at linalg/sparse.jl:171

She's actually completely right. Sparse matmul allocates space as it goes, 
in reasonable-sized chunks at a time. At the end, it trims off the extra 
unneeded elements with splice!. The problem is with these Any type arrays 
we're trying to use, the extra allocated space is actually #undef until it 
gets written to. Since splice! returns the removed elements, that first 
line of splice is indeed trying to access an undefined reference.

Minimal test case, no funky symbolic expression stuff required:
julia> sparse(1:2, 1:2, Any[1;2])^2

I think the solution is to replace uses of splice! with deleteat! in 
linalg/sparse.jl. Testing this now and will put together a PR if it works.


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