Given Andrew's original post, that makes sense, although it wasn't clear to
me from just reading your response.


On Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 11:17 AM, Stefan Karpinski <>wrote:

> I was talking about fully automatic memoization, which does not play
> nicely with the type system. Thus, it's a speedup in a language where every
> function is loosely typed anyway, but a distinct slow down in a language
> with nice type behavior (and an implementation smart enough to leverage
> it). That's why I called automatic memoization "worse than useless" – you
> take a possibly slow, but nicely typed function and turn it into poorly
> typed, memoized function. There might be a way to make it work better, but
> I suspect it would require some very deep language support and would
> generally be inferior to just having people use an explicit cache
> structure. In the case of npartitions, this is precisely what's happening:
> there's an explicit, correctly typed cache.
> On Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 1:36 PM, Kevin Squire <>wrote:
>> What you're suggesting is memoization, which has come up a number of
>>> times. The short version is that it is an easy way to speed up a slow
>>> language but is worse than useless in fast languages. You don't see people
>>> doing memoization in C or Fortran, do you?
>> That's a little, um, strong, don't you think?  Certainly it's not common,
>> but probably not "worse than useless".  ;-)  (The lack of a standard
>> map/dictionary/hash table in these languages probably contributes as well.)
>> A couple of examples in Julia where it's useful (and would be just as
>> useful in C or Fortran):
>> (Those should probably be wrapped in let statements.  I'll do that.)
>> These are not common functions, of course, but memoization here is
>> definitely useful.
>> Cheers!
>>    Kevin

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