I have spend some hours around this but I'm not getting nowhere. The following C function has this signature
void *GMT_Create_Data (void *API, unsigned int family, unsigned int geometry , unsigned int mode, uint64_t par[], double *wesn, double *inc, unsigned int registration, int pad, void *data) A Clang.jl conversion produced @c Ptr{None} GMT_Create_Data (Ptr{None}, Uint32, Uint32, Uint32, Ptr{ Culonglong}, Ptr{Cdouble}, Ptr{Cdouble}, Uint32, Cint, Ptr{None}) gmt_w64 than I manually try to replicate it so that I can use default values, and I wrote it as function create_data(API::Ptr{None}, family=5, geometry=1, mode=0, par::Ptr{ Culonglong}=C_NULL, wesn::Ptr{Cdouble}=C_NULL, inc::Ptr{Cdouble}=C_NULL, reg=0, pad=2,data ::Ptr{None}=C_NULL) ptr = ccall((:GMT_Create_Data,lib), Ptr{None}, (Ptr{None}, Uint32, Uint32, Uint32, Ptr{Uint64}, Ptr{Cdouble}, Ptr{Cdouble}, Uint32, Cint, Ptr{None}), API, uint32(family),uint32(geometry),uint32(mode),par,wesn,inc, uint32(reg),int32(pad), data) end However, no matter what I try the manual version always error julia> V = create_data (API, 5, 1, 0, dim, C_NULL, C_NULL, 0, 0, C_NULL) ERROR: no method create_data(Ptr{None}, Int64, Int64, Int64, Array{Uint64,1 }, Ptr{None}, Ptr{None}, Int64, Int64, Ptr{None}) or julia> create_data(API) ERROR: no method create_data(Ptr{None}, Int64, Int64, Int64, Ptr{None}, Ptr{ None}, Ptr{None}, Int64, Int64, Ptr{None}) in create_data at C:\progs_cygw\GMTdev\julia\GMT\src\GMTfuns.jl:22 but the automatic one runs fine julia> V = GMT_Create_Data (API, 5, 1, 0, dim, C_NULL, C_NULL, 0, 0, C_NULL) Ptr{Void} @0x0000000000216210 What am I doing wrong? Thanks