Seems useful and I did not know about it. Strings in my case can be longer 
than 64 bits though but this is a useful building block. Thanks!

Den tisdagen den 11:e mars 2014 kl. 20:13:05 UTC+1 skrev Avik Sengupta:
> Does this work? 
> julia> a="abcdefgh"
> "abcdefgh"
> julia> reinterpret(Int64,
> 1-element Array{Int64,1}:
>  7523094288207667809
> On Tuesday, 11 March 2014 16:07:35 UTC+5:30, Robert Feldt wrote:
>> Implementing simple RSA crypto in pure Julia (not for actual 
>> sec-sensitive use) but for low-sec applications. But I have troubles with 
>> encoding strings as integers and back. The PKCS#1 crypto standard says that 
>> strings should be seen as 8-bit (octet) strings. I tried creating a Uint8[] 
>> with the byte values and converting to ASCIIString but that fails when the 
>> values are more than 7 bits. However, I cannot just convert to UTF8String 
>> instead since those might not be valid either. 
>> Ideas for how to do this cleanly? Current code below... Thanks!
>> # Convert a non-negative integer i into an octet string. 
>> function i2osp(x::Integer, len = nothing)
>>   if typeof(len) <: Integer && (x >= 256^len)
>>     throw("integer is too large")
>>   end
>>   if x < 0
>>     throw("integer is negative")
>>   end
>>   bytes = Uint8[]
>>   while x > 0
>>     b = uint8(x & 0xff)
>>     push!(bytes, b)
>>     x = x >>> 8
>>   end
>>   str = convert(ASCIIString, reverse(bytes)) # Fails if any byte value > 
>> 127
>>   if typeof(len) <: Integer && (length(str) < len)
>>     str = repeat("\0", len - str) * str
>>   end
>>   return str
>> end

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