Has much progress been made with an MVC Framework for Julia? I have been 
checking out Morsel <https://github.com/JuliaLang/Morsel.jl>and feel it 
makes an excellent base for developing such a framework. I've not got time 
to work on this myself, but would love to see this pushed forward somehow?



On Tuesday, 15 January 2013 00:19:13 UTC, Stefan Karpinski wrote:
> One potential helpful language feature for this sort of thing is 
> coroutines since they can potentially allow the server to manage state 
> without as many callbacks.
> On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 7:11 PM, Nathan Wienert 
> <natew...@gmail.com<javascript:>
> > wrote:
>> I've built a few large scale Rails apps on > 3.0, one that integrates a 
>> bit of WebSockets... I totally agree that any framework that wants to be 
>> relevant in the future will need to adapt to frontend powered web apps... 
>> basically an easy way to share code and especially templates.  Rails is 
>> especially cumbersome at this.
>> Meteor and Derby are doing a decent job of this.  But at least with 
>> Meteor (haven't looked at Derby closely), I'm put off by the lack of 
>> structure they provide and some other odd features they have added.
>> I think sharing of backend/frontend templates would be pretty easy, even 
>> just implementing a Julia handlebars template engine.  I don't think Julia 
>> will ever be able to compete fully with stuff like Meteor, just because you 
>> of frontend/backend code sharing, which is why I was shooting for a more 
>> Rails-like traditional app at least initially.  But of course the whole fun 
>> of building something new is to improve!  I can definitely see the speed of 
>> Julia opening up a lot of cool new avenues for real-time apps.
>> I sort of disagree on the repetitiveness of REST/MVC.  90% of my 
>> models/controllers skip at least a few of the REST parts, so I like being 
>> able to define which ones I want/need.  But I do think there are plenty of 
>> opportunities to make that less repetitive.
>> I'd love to explore easier ways of implementing REST without all the C/V 
>> legwork.  Of course the more you abstract it the more "magical" it becomes.
>> On Monday, January 14, 2013 3:36:44 PM UTC-8, Stefan Karpinski wrote:
>>> I have a fair amount of Rails experience (although several versions old 
>>> at this point), and one thing I would love to improve upon is the 
>>> Model-View-Controller pattern itself – there's something fishy about that 
>>> pattern because nobody ever knows what to put in the controller. MVC also 
>>> seems to fit particularly badly with REST designs because they tend to 
>>> almost directly expose the model via REST and the V & C parts end up being 
>>> pretty annoyingly repetitive. There's also the issue that Rails-style MVC 
>>> is all server-side, whereas most modern web apps actually do much of their 
>>> view work in the browser and tend to simply expose the model in a fairly 
>>> standard form via AJAX – this is part of why REST/AJAX apps don't fit very 
>>> well into MVC frameworks.
>>> On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 6:24 PM, Nathan Wienert <natew...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>> Hey guys, in my attempt to better learn Julia I'm going to try out 
>>>> building an MVC with Julia.  I have plenty of experience in Rails, and 
>>>> have 
>>>> taken a peek under the hood quite a bit to get an idea for how it's 
>>>> structured, but it's a truly different beast when you take into account 
>>>> class oriented vs multiple-dispatch.
>>>> I'm also using web.py as a reference for a really simple one, but again 
>>>> that is class based.
>>>> Would love some input with people more familiar with Julia/multiple 
>>>> dispatch on how they would go about allowing users to define controllers 
>>>> and models simply, as that seems to be the trickiest part of design.
>>>> -- 
>>>  -- 

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