
I guess this package is not for me. It does not seem to be meant to be 
running on Windows 7.

As I look at the errors more closely as I am posting this, I see your 
package calls HTTPClient. Can someone tell em whether that package is 
Windows 7 compatible?

julia> using UCIMLRepo
julia> UCIRepoData("iris")
fetching from the following url : 
ERROR: error compiling get: error compiling setup_easy_handle: could not 
load mo
dule libcurl: %1 is not a valid Win32 application.

 in get at C:\Users\Jacques\.julia\HTTPClient\src\HTTPC.jl:519

fetching from the following url : 
ERROR: error compiling get: could not load module libcurl: %1 is not a 
valid Win
32 application.

 in get at C:\Users\Jacques\.julia\HTTPClient\src\HTTPC.jl:519

On Wednesday, March 19, 2014 2:50:58 AM UTC-4, Siddhant Jain wrote:
> Hello!
> I have written a small package that allows for easy access and download 
> for datasets from UCI ML repository from within Julia into a DataFrame. 
> Please have a look at it here: https://github.com/siddhantjain/UCIMLRepo
> and give your feedback.
> this is my first package so code can contain bad practice. I am looking at 
> other packages to get a sense of coding guidelines.
> I am interested in working for Julia in GSOC on the project 'Standardised 
> Dataset Packaging' and figured that writing a small package like this one 
> will help me get a better feel for writing packages for Julia. As the 
> deadline is just a couple of days away, I will start working on the 
> application as soon as possible and give it to potential mentors for a 
> review before the final submission. 
> Could you someone please direct to me possible mentors? That way I can 
> discuss my application with just them and not flood the mailing list with 
> content that doesn't concern everyone.
> Thank you!
> Sincerely,
> Siddhant Jain
> Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani
> India
> P.S: If you are using a pre-release version (0.3 and above) of Julia, you 
> might encounter a HUGE set of warnings. I am trying to figure out the 
> reasons behind that. Will file a bug in due time if I am not able to solve 
> the issue. 
> However, these warning do not affect the working of the functions in 
> package. 

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