Ah wonderful, thankyou both.

Ivar; you're quite right about being able to get rid of the array for t, I 
was just following term for term the mathematical expression.

Jiahao; your code is indeed much more elegant! Thank you for pointing me in 
its direction. How efficient is the M::SymTridiagonal type? That 
conditional sum() is particularly swish.

Certainly if the RandomMatrices package is fixed up, I'd use it!



On Friday, 21 March 2014 06:53:35 UTC, Ivar Nesje wrote:
> There is nothing wrong with for loops in julia. I think sturm would be 
> prettier if you removed `n=length(D)` and instead used `t=zeros(D)` and 
> `for i=2:length(D)`. Julia creates a Range object for iteration, so the 
> length function will only execute once.
> countnegatives+=1
> Do you really need an array for t? It seems to me like you only use the 
> previous element and could do well with a scalar variable.

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