
New Julia user, I look forward to learning the language and tools. As a longtime Smalltalker (Squeak/Pharo), I like a rich system.

I am using Crunchbang/Debian upgraded to Jessie/Testing.

I initially attempted to use the system's Qt5.2 but I could not get it to successfully qmake -r. And yes, it was using qmake 3.0 and Qt5.2.

I made several attempts manually. But I really value a reproducible and repeatable experience, so I started a shell script to do the install. I like being able to repeat any of my installs onto a clean, freshly installed system.

So I switched to the Qt5.1 download in the instructions on the Julia Studio website.

I followed the instructions and scripted it out as much as possible. The modal Qt install does slow down the automation until you respond to the dialog. I found no way to do that install purely commandline.

Everything went well according to the instructions except for a couple of things which I scripted around.

First compile failed with error that it could not find the QLabel.h file. This is called in the ./src/plugins/projectexplorer/sessiondialog.cpp file.

So I created a symlink
cd /opt/Qt5.1.0/5.1.0/gcc_64/include/QtWidgets
ln -s qlabel.h QLabel.h

This allowed the compile to complete successfully.

However it did not run. It produced this error.
JuliaStudio: error while loading shared libraries: libExtensionSystem.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

So I solved this by copying the julia-studio/lib/julia-studio directory into the julia-studio/bin directory.

Now it works fine as best as I can tell at this point.

I am very pragmatic on some things. I simply look for something that works. I do not know the best or proper way to solve the problems I encountered. I simply found solutions that worked.

I would be happy to post my script to the mailing list or email it to someone at Julia Studio. If this would be of benefit to anyone. I would think it would work for for most Debian based systems which have Julia in the repository or Julia is already installed.

The script took about 50minutes to run. This is averaging probably 700kb download and compiles on a 3rd gen i7 laptop with 12gb ram.

Thanks for Julia and Julia Studio. I look forward to the experience.


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