I'm definitely not an expert but I thought I would chime in on your "arrays of 
arrays vrs matrices" question. 

I recently developed a project where I started out using: 
Array{Array{Float64,1},1} as a container for a set of state vectors in an ODE 
flow. This seemed most natural but I figured once I got it to work, I would 
speed it up by representing everything in a compact matrix representation: 
Array{Float64,2}. However, I was never able to speed things up much with 
Array{Float64,2} over the Array{Array{Float64,1},1} container. 

I ended up with the impression  (experts can confirm or deny this) that 
although Array{Float64,2} may be stored in memory more compactly than 
Array{Array{Float64,1},1}, the latter container is already very efficient so 
that any speed gains were marginal.

Is this the experience of others?


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