Thinking about it, it is probably not so ... efficient.

Le lundi 24 mars 2014 19:41:14 UTC+1, Antoine Chevalier a écrit :
> Hi, I guess you want a 3d array instead of a 2D array containing 1D 
> arrays. I tried this:
> arrayLength = 10;
> matrixCols  = 10;
> matrixSlices= 10;
> function arrayTest(arrayLength,i,j)        singleArray = 
> ones(1,arrayLength)*(i+j); #each array has a unique value i+jreturn 
> singleArrayend
> matrix3d = [arrayTest(arrayLength,i,j)[k] for k=1:arrayLength, 
> i=1:matrixCols, j=1:matrixSlices ];
> matrix3d[:,1,1] 
> It works fine ;)
> Le lundi 24 mars 2014 15:07:49 UTC+1, Linus Mellberg a écrit :
>> Hi!
>> I'm trying to construct a 3 dimensional array from a number of 1 
>> dimensional arrays. Essentially what i would like to do is
>> a = [f(i, j) for i in 1:n, j in 1:m]
>> where f(i, j) is a function that returns an array (note, f has to 
>> construct the entire array at the same time). The code above creates a 
>> 2-dimensional array of arrays, but I would like to get a 3-dimensional 
>> array with the arrays returned by f in the first dimension with i and j in 
>> the second and third dimension, hope you understand
>> a[:,:,1] = [f(1,1) f(2,1) ... f(n,1)]
>> a[:,:,2] = [f(1,2) f(2,2) ... f(n,2)]
>> .
>> .
>> .
>> a[:,:,m] = [f(1,m) f(2,m) ... f(n,m)]
>> f(i,j) are column arrays above.
>> It can be achieved by first creating the large matrix and then filling it
>> a = zeros(Int64, k, n, m)
>> for i in 1:n, j in 1:m
>>   a[:,i,j] = f(i,j)
>> end
>> Is this the only way? I find it sort of ugly when its usually possible to 
>> do nice construction using comprehensions in other cases.

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