Let's say I have this composite type

julia> type t

and try to fill it a la C (or Matlab)

julia> tt=t
t (constructor with 1 method)

julia> tt.aa="AA"
ERROR: type DataType has no field aa

so bad surprise. I can't. So I have to do for instance

julia> tt=t("AA","BB");

but my real type is 120 members long and I don't want to do it that way (I 
would for sure make lots of mistakes). So I want to try like this

julia> tt=t("","");

julia> tt.aa="AA"

but do I avoid doing tt=t("","","",... 120 times?)

Tried this but no luck either

julia> tt=t(repmat([""],10));
ERROR: no method t(Array{ASCIIString,1})


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