> I'll expand on my iphone post with some pseudo-code. 

This is interesting; not something I was aware was possible.  I'll dig into 
it a bit deeper, thanks!

On Tuesday, March 25, 2014 10:22:48 PM UTC-5, Jameson wrote:
> I'll expand on my iphone post with some pseudo-code. 
> do blocks make a convenient way to express the concept of a group of 
> actions. using this, we can implement simple, behind-the-scenes atomic 
> storage semantics. note that I'm (mis)treating saveable as both some 
> reference into the database, and it's value. 
> function atomic_action(callable, saveable) 
>    old_row = copy(saveable) 
>    lock_row(saveable) 
>    try 
>      callable(saveable) 
>      save_row(saveable - old_row) 
>    finally 
>      unlock_row(saveable) 
>    end 
> end 
> function eager_atomic_action(callable, saveable) 
>     old_saveable = get_current(saveable) 
>     callable(saveable) 
>     lock_row(saveable) 
>     try 
>        assert_that( old_saveable == get_current(saveable)) 
>        save_row(saveable) 
>     finally 
>        unlock_row(savable) 
>     end 
> end 
> atomic_action(a) do b 
>   b.x += 2 
> end # b.x is saved here, unless we threw an error 
> On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 10:57 PM, Stefan Karpinski 
> <ste...@karpinski.org<javascript:>> 
> wrote: 
> > On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 8:11 PM, Keith Mason 
> > <des...@gmail.com<javascript:>> 
> wrote: 
> >> 
> >> Got it, thanks. In these terms, I guess I wish that there was an option 
> >> for mutable composite types to be stored inline rather than heap 
> allocated. 
> > 
> > 
> > That's often called a (mutable) value type. E.g. C# distinguishes 
> reference 
> > types – objects that are passed and assigned by reference/sharing – from 
> > value types, which are like C structs and are passed and assigned by 
> > copying. (If you think of reference types as pointers to objects, you're 
> > basically right). Rather than introducing two radically semantically 
> > different kinds of types, we opted for mutable versus immutable which 
> have 
> > the same semantics except for the obvious difference that you can't 
> mutate 
> > an immutable value. This distinction is much simpler to understand and 
> nice 
> > for lots of things, but it is occasionally limiting. 
> > 
> >> Anyway, this has been helpful, if only to confirm that there isn't a 
> great 
> >> way to do what I want. I need to rethink the problem space. 
> > 
> > 
> > Have you considered column-oriented storage where each column is 
> homogenous 
> > and can be mmapped? 

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