many thanks for the help!

qt_enum(attr::Vector{ASCIIString}; how="|") = PyCall.pyeval(join(map(u
-> "QtCore.Qt.$u", attr), " $how "))

Basically, it calls "|" at the python level. Maybe there is a better

I struggled to understand it at first, but then found an example on the PySide.jl repository, so I managed to get the correct flags with

rbw[:setWindowFlags](qt_enum(["Window", "CustomizeWindowHint", "WindowMinimizeButtonHint", "WindowMaximizeButtonHint"], how="|"))

As for NonModal, look at the unexported QtNamespace object, e.g.,

thanks, this worked as well

I would think you can put the GUI in a while(true) type loop so that it
doesn't close immediately. There should be nicer way though.

do you have any suggestions of where I could insert the while loop. I tried to put it at the end, after raising the main window

while true


but the window won't be drawn completely until the loop is broken in that case. I also tried to "surround" the whole GUI code in a while loop, but that failed with this error:

ERROR: error compiling anonymous: unsupported or misplaced expression using in function anonymous



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