Ugly workaround:

julia> [Array(Any,3,0) [1:3] float([1:3])]
3x2 Array{Any,2}:
 1  1.0
 2  2.0
 3  3.0

Den tisdagen den 1:e april 2014 kl. 10:39:15 UTC+2 skrev harven:
> When I build a matrix from columns using vcat, the type of the columns is 
> sometimes modified, e.g.
> julia> [[1:3] float([1:3])]
> 3x2 Array{Float64,2}:
>  1.0  1.0
>  2.0  2.0
>  3.0  3.0
> Here the first column of integers has been converted to float. How can I 
> prevent this conversion so as to obtain
> 3x2 Array{Any,2}:    # or Array{Real,2} since Real is the join type here
>  1  1.0
>  2  2.0
>  3  3.0
> I don't care about the type of the resulting array. The point here is not 
> losing the information concerning the types of the columns. Sincerely, 

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