Hi John,

Jeff has updated his source files with the MIT license and I've pasted those 
into the LICENSE file of the Julia package.

Jason Merrill has also given good feedback that I'm still looking into. My 
interpretation of his feedback (a single package covering different hyper 
number types and orders) is substantial more work and will definitely take 
longer. So maybe we should publish the current version?

Rob J. Goedman

On Apr 6, 2014, at 12:14 PM, Jeffrey Fike <jf...@alumni.stanford.edu> wrote:

> Rob,
> Thanks for your interest.  I have been meaning to look into an actual open 
> source license.  I went with the MIT license.  I have updated the code on the 
> website to reflect this.  Please let me know if you need any additional 
> information.
> Jeff Fike

On Mar 29, 2014, at 5:55 PM, John Myles White <johnmyleswh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks for looking into it, Rob. In the absence of a license, the code is 
> technically not free to use. But I imagine the authors would like to share 
> their code, so it should be easy to convince them to use something formal 
> like the MIT or BSD licenses.
>  — John
> On Mar 29, 2014, at 5:52 PM, Robert J Goedman <goed...@icloud.com> wrote:
>> John,
>> No license is mentioned on the c++ code nor on the matlab versions as far as 
>> I can see.
>> I'll send the authors an email.
>> Regards,
>> Rob J. Goedman
>> goed...@icloud.com

>> On Mar 29, 2014, at 5:47 PM, John Myles White <johnmyleswh...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>>> This looks really cool. Any idea what the license was on the original file?
>>>  — John
>>> On Mar 29, 2014, at 5:43 PM, Robert J Goedman <goed...@icloud.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> As a first 'jump into the fray' exercise I've attempted to translate 
>>>> Jeffrey Fike's hyper-dual numbers code from c++ to Julia, more or less 
>>>> following the DualNumbers package.
>>>> The c++ code can be found at http://adl.stanford.edu/hyperdual/hyperdual.h 
>>>> . The paper itself at 
>>>> http://adl.stanford.edu/hyperdual/Fike_AIAA-2011-886.pdf .
>>>> The Julia package can be found at: 
>>>> https://github.com/goedman/HyperDualNumbers.jl.git .
>>>> Of course, I'm pretty new at this so I'm sure there will be errors and 
>>>> poor practices. So any feedback is appreciated.
>>>> Also, I'm wondering if the type should be called Hyper or a better name 
>>>> would be HyperDual.
>>>> This work was triggered by the interesting threads around openPP, 
>>>> TaylorSeries.jl, Calculus2, PowerSeries.jl (and at some time I hope 
>>>> MCMC.jl).
>>>> Rob J. Goedman
>>>> goed...@icloud.com

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