No problem – glad we could clear up the confusion. Generic functions take a
little getting used to, but once you do, they're extremely powerful and
quite intuitive.

On Tue, Apr 8, 2014 at 4:30 PM, Mason McGill <>wrote:

> On Tuesday, April 8, 2014 1:17:06 PM UTC-7, Isaiah wrote:
>>  This is what I was looking for; so if I understand you correctly, you
>>> satisfy protocols by extending/monkey-patching Base.  This seems
>>> reasonable, but what do you do when you want to define your own protocol
>>> (e.g. Classifier), and Base doesn't have the functions you'd like to
>>> require (e.g. fit, predict)?
>> As Jameson said (I think): there isn't anything particularly special
>> about Base, except that it's installed/available by default. Users will
>> need to import your library to use your stuff, so if they want to extend a
>> (library) built-in, they will do `import MasonLib: fit, predict` rather
>> than the imports from Base.
>> Oh I see.  Sorry if I was thick about this; the languages I'm most used
> to (C++, D, Python) solve this problem pretty differently.  Julia's
> approach is at least as reasonable, IMO.
> Thanks!
> -Mason

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