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A[1,1] returns the element at index (1,1) of a 2d matrix

On Wednesday, April 9, 2014, John Drummond <> wrote:

> using 0.2.1
> running the code in a script (it doesn't work in the REPL either)
> a = {[1,2,3],1,3,[1,2,3,4]}
> println(a[4][3])
> println(a[4][end -1])
> gives
> 3
> LoadError("N:/test/test2.jl",7,MethodError(Array{T,N},([1,2,3,4],1,2)))
> => I.e referencing using *end* doesn't seem to work on lower levels.
> => Also out of interest why doesn't a[1,1] return the 1st element of the
> 1st element, of a?
> thanks

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