There was a missing method for ApproximateMannWhitneyUTest. If you run 
Pkg.update(), this should be fixed. (I also added some tests to make sure 
that show() isn't completely broken for any of the types.)


On Saturday, April 12, 2014 12:29:22 PM UTC-4, Iain Gallagher wrote:
> Hi 
> I'm new to julia - test driving as it were. I'm trying to carry out a 
> Mann-Wihtney U test on two columns of a DataFrame.
> # data available at 
> using DataFrames
> data_in = readtable("marathon.csv", header=true, separator = ',')
> male_data = subset(data_in, :(Gender .== "m"))
> female_data = subset(data_in, :(Gender .=="f"))
> # type DataArray has to be converted to type Array (use typeof function to 
> see this)
> # for the MannWhitneyUTest
> using HypothesisTests
> mv = vector(male_data["Time"]) 
> fv = vector(female_data["Time"])
> MannWhitneyUTest(mv, fv)
> Using the above I get an error after running the test.
> no method testname(ApproximateMannWhitneyUTest,) 
> in show at /home/iain/.julia/v0.2/HypothesisTests/src/HypothesisTests.jl:66 
> in anonymous at no file:945 in with_output_limit at show.jl:922 
> in showlimited at show.jl:944 in writemime at repl.jl:2 
> in writemime at multimedia.jl:41 in sprint at io.jl:434 
> in display_dict at /home/iain/.julia/v0.2/IJulia/src/execute_request.jl:24 
> HypothesisTests is installed and loaded.
> If I try the same without the vector conversion (I can't remember where I 
> read about the need to convert to Array from DataArray for this!) I get the 
> same error. I'm using julia 0.2.1 on Linux Mint (Petra).
> Can anyone help with this error?
> Thanks.
> Iain 

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