Currently, there have been some independent efforts to develop Julia 
packages for GPU computing, which particularly include:

   - CUDA.jl <>
   - CUDArt.jl <>
   - OpenCL.jl <>
   - CUFFT.jl <>
and probably some others.

I do really wish to contribute more to the Julia community. However, 
working in academia, my time for doing this is really limited (due to 
responsibilities to do many less exciting stuff, e.g. writing grant 
proposals, academic traveling, and participating in various committees)

With the limited time, I have to focus on a small number of packages, 
particularly those under JuliaStats. Therefore, I am not able to spend 
enough time to keep some other packages up to date (e.g. CUDA.jl). 
Recently, I proposed to move the ownership to 
in order to invite broader efforts. In his response, Stefan suggested that 
we create a new organization JuliaGPU. I think it is a good idea.

If people think this is a great idea, I will create this organization and 
invite other developer to manage it together.


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