You might want to drop that in a @windows_only block (see the Julia source 
code for usage examples; it's probably also documented somewhere in the 

On Friday, April 18, 2014 9:32:56 PM UTC-5, Laszlo Hars wrote:
> Some progress... For Windows, in the base.jl file "libcuda" has to be 
> replaced with "nvcuda.dll". Not very intuitive... After installing CUDA, 
> this dll resides in the Windows System32 directory, so it is always found.
> We can try speeding up the search for the dll, with adding the line
>      ccall((:LoadLibraryA, 
> "Kernel32.dll"),Cint,(Ptr{Uint8},),"C:\\Windows\\System32\\nvcuda.dll")
> to the CUDA.jl file, just before the include(...) lines. It certainly does 
> not hurt.

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