Hi Hans,

Two additional packages are TaylorSeries (not in METADATA right now) and 
HyperDualNumbers, which I 'derived' from the C code by the authors (see below 

The entry in your list could look like:

> ### HyperDualNumbers  0.1.1
>     -------------------   --------------------------------------------------
>     Hyper, eps1,eps1eps2  Automated 1st & 2nd order Differentiation
>                               [if the function accepts dual numbers]

The c++ code can be found at http://adl.stanford.edu/hyperdual/hyperdual.h . 
The paper itself at http://adl.stanford.edu/hyperdual/Fike_AIAA-2011-886.pdf .

The Julia package can be found at: 
https://github.com/goedman/HyperDualNumbers.jl.git .

Rob J. Goedman

On Apr 21, 2014, at 1:20 AM, Hans W Borchers <hwborch...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I would like to use Julia mostly on applied numerical math problems. I think 
> what I need is an overview of what is available in Base and contributed 
> packages. Therefore I decided to write a short "vignette" listing all 
> relevant functions and packages, possibly with a short description, usage, 
> and one or two examples. 
> I have identified the items in the following list. I would welcome any 
> suggestions of functions I have overlooked in this area.
> (Optimization at the moment is not covered by intention.)
> ### Julia Base  0.2.0
>     -------------------   --------------------------------------------------
>     sin, cos, ...         Trigonometric, hyperbolic functions, square root,
>                               exponential and logarith functions, etc.
>     factor, gcd, primes   Number-theoretic and combinatorial functions
>     factorial, binomial
>     ...
>     gamma, airy, bessel   Special functions
>     beta, eta, zeta
>     ...
>     quadgk                Gauss-Kronrod adaptive integration
> ### Calculus  0.1.3
>     -------------------   --------------------------------------------------
>     derivative, ...       finite-differences numerical derivatives
>     gradient, hessian         second-order, gradients and hessians
>     [unfortunately:]      finite_difference and complex_step not exported!
>     integrate             adaptive Simpson, Monte-Carlo integration
>     differentiate         symbolic differentiation
> ### DualNumbers  0.0.0 (??)
>     -------------------   --------------------------------------------------
>     Dual, epsilon         Automated Differentiation
>                               [if the function accepts dual numbers]
> ### Cubature  1.0.1
>     -------------------   --------------------------------------------------
>     h/pquadrature         one- and multidimensional adaptive integration
>     h/pcubature               (Gauss-Kronrod, Genz-Malik, Clenshaw-Curtis)
> ### Grid  0.2.8
>     -------------------   --------------------------------------------------
>     InterpGrid            function interpolation on (regular) grids
>                           [a simpler interp1d() function for irregular
>                            grids might still be helpful]
> ### BSplines  0.0.0 (??)
>     -------------------   --------------------------------------------------
>     linear/quadratic/     
>         cubicSplineBFE
> ### ApproxFun  0.0.0 (??)
>     -------------------   --------------------------------------------------
>     Fun                   generates an approximating function
>     diff, cumsum          differentiate or integrate the approximation
> ### Polynomial  0.0.0 (??)
>     -------------------   --------------------------------------------------
>     Poly, poly            construct polynomial from coefficients resp. roots
>     polyval               evaluate the polynomial (Horner scheme)
>     polyint, polyder      derivative, anti-derivative of a polynomial
>     roots                 determine the roots/zeros of the polynomial 
>                               (as eigenvalues of the companion matrix)
>                           [missing is a polyfit() function]
> ### PowerSeries
>     -------------------   --------------------------------------------------
>     series, restrict      generates or truncates a (finite) power series
>                               (used to determine the Taylor series)
> ### Roots  0.1.0
>     -------------------   --------------------------------------------------
>     find_zero, fzero      bracketing/derivative-free root finding methods
>                               [Ridders' method is not implemented !]
>     newton, halley        derivative-based root finding methods
>     multroot              multiple roots of (inexact) polynomials
> ### NLsolve  0.1.1
>     -------------------   --------------------------------------------------
>     nlsolve               solves systems of nonlinear equations, based on
>                               Newton and trust-region approaches
> ### ODE  0.0.0 (??)
>     -------------------   --------------------------------------------------
>     ode23                 Runge-Kutta (2, 3)-method with variable step size
>     ode4                  Runge-Kutta of order 4 (with fixed step size?)
> ### Elliptic  0.2.0
>     -------------------   --------------------------------------------------
>     K, F, E, Pi           (in)complete elliptic integrals of 1. and 2. kind
> ### GSL  0.1.1
>     -------------------   --------------------------------------------------
>                           interface to the GNU Scientific Library(GSL)
>     e.g., hypergeom       Gauss' hypergeometric function 2F1

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