Oops: https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/issues/new – that's what I get for
entering URLs by hand.

On Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 10:09 AM, Stefan Karpinski <ste...@karpinski.org>wrote:

> Would you mind opening an issue about it?
> https://github.com/JuliaLang/issues/new
> On Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 8:46 AM, Klaus-Dieter Bauer <
> bauer.klaus.die...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I noticed that the "do" keyword behaves weirdly when trying to use it on
>> a single line, e.g. in the REPL:
>> When the "do" keyword is used to create a function with one or more
>> arguments everything works fine.
>> julia> map([1,2,3]) do x 1+x end
>> map([1,2,3]) do x 1+x end
>> 3-element Array{Int64,1}:
>>  2
>>  3
>>  4
>> Without arguments, multi-line usage works fine ...
>> julia> cd("c:/tmp") do
>> cd("c:/tmp") do
>>        println(1)
>>        end
>> 1
>> ... but single line usage fails ...
>> julia> cd("c:/tmp") do println(1) end
>> cd("c:/tmp") do println(1) end
>> ERROR: syntax: malformed function arguments (call println 1)
>> ... and a ; cannot be used to fix it:
>> julia> cd("c:/tmp") do; println(1) end
>> cd("c:/tmp") do; println(1) end
>> ERROR: syntax: unexpected ;
>> Is this an actual inconsistency in the parsing or am I getting something
>> wrong about how julia handles single-line code? So far it is the first
>> example where I found a line-break to be both significant and not
>> replaceable by a semi-colon.
>> I am using the julia-0.2.1-win64 binary release.

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