I agree with Elliot, take a look at the performance tips.
Also, you may want to move the tic(), toc() out of the function, make sure 
you compile it first, and then use @time <function calll> to time it.

you may also get a considerable boost by using @simd in your for loops 
(together with @inbounds)
Let us know how it goes ;)


El domingo, 27 de abril de 2014 09:39:03 UTC+2, Freddy Chua escribió:
> Alright, thanks! All these is looking very positive for Julia.
> On Sunday, April 27, 2014 3:36:23 PM UTC+8, Elliot Saba wrote:
>> I highly suggest you read through the whole "Performance 
>> Tips<http://julia.readthedocs.org/en/latest/manual/performance-tips/>" 
>> page I linked to above; it has documentation on all these little features 
>> and stuff.  I did get a small improvement (~5%) by enabling SIMD extensions 
>> on the two inner for loops, but that requires a very recent build of Julia 
>> and is a somewhat experimental feature.  Neat to have though.
>> -E
>> On Sun, Apr 27, 2014 at 12:14 AM, Freddy Chua <fred...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> wooh, this @inbounds thing is new to me... At least it does shows that 
>>> Julia is comparable to Java.
>>> On Sunday, April 27, 2014 3:04:26 PM UTC+8, Elliot Saba wrote:
>>>> Since we have made sure that our for loops have the right boundaries, 
>>>> we can assure the compiler that we're not going to step out of the bounds 
>>>> of an array, and surround our code in the @inbounds macro.  This is not 
>>>> something you should do unless you're certain that you'll never try to 
>>>> access memory out of bounds, but it does get the runtime down to 0.23 
>>>> seconds, which is on the same order as Java.  Here's the full 
>>>> code<https://gist.github.com/staticfloat/11339342>with all the 
>>>> modifications made.
>>>> -E
>>>> On Sat, Apr 26, 2014 at 11:55 PM, Freddy Chua <fred...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>> Stochastic Gradient Descent is one of the most important optimisation 
>>>>> algorithm in Machine Learning. So having it perform better than Java is 
>>>>> important to have more widespread adoption.
>>>>> On Sunday, April 27, 2014 2:03:28 PM UTC+8, Freddy Chua wrote:
>>>>>> This code takes 60+ secs to execute on my machine. The Java 
>>>>>> equivalent takes only 0.2 secs!!! Please tell me how to optimise the 
>>>>>> following code.begin
>>>>>> begin
>>>>>>   N = 10000
>>>>>>   K = 100
>>>>>>   rate = 1e-2
>>>>>>   ITERATIONS = 1
>>>>>>   # generate y
>>>>>>   y = rand(N)
>>>>>>   # generate x
>>>>>>   x = rand(K, N)
>>>>>>   # generate w
>>>>>>   w = zeros(Float64, K)
>>>>>>   tic()
>>>>>>   for i=1:ITERATIONS
>>>>>>     for n=1:N
>>>>>>       y_hat = 0.0
>>>>>>       for k=1:K
>>>>>>         y_hat += w[k] * x[k,n]
>>>>>>       end
>>>>>>       for k=1:K
>>>>>>         w[k] += rate * (y[n] - y_hat) * x[k,n]       
>>>>>>       end
>>>>>>     end
>>>>>>   end
>>>>>>   toc()
>>>>>> end
>>>>>> Sorry for repeated posting, I did so to properly indent the code..

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