On Tuesday, April 29, 2014 9:29:56 AM UTC-7, Oliver Woodford wrote:
> On Tuesday, April 29, 2014 5:14:01 PM UTC+1, Jason Merrill wrote:
>> Suppose the types that you want existed. Let's call them ConcreteArray, 
>> and Cell.
>> ConcreteArray gives the guarantee that all of it's elements are stored 
>> directly with a fixed stride.
>> Can you give some examples of functions that would use these in their 
>> type signature?
> Sure. sum(x::ConcreteArray{Number}). Because currently if I write 
> sum(x::Array{Real}) and try to pass in an Array{Float64} I get an error.
> Note that most arrays are actually homogeneous (as Jacob and Matt both 
> stated), so if you want to make sure of that you need to use static 
> parameters. I'm suggesting a system that doesn't require static parameters 
> for the usual case.

Take a look at the actual implementations of sum in reduce.jl:


Julia often has method definitions that are significantly more generic than 
sum(x::ConcreteArray{Number}), which I think is really nice. The 
definitions above are fast for Array{Float64}, but the very same 
definitions also work for e.g. an array of matrices, or anything else with 
+ defined (zero(T) might have to be defined too if the array is empty or 
has only 1 element).

I don't see much advantage of having an implementation like 
sum(x::ConcreteArray{Number}) if someone later comes along and defines 
sum(x::AbstractArray) with essentially the same body.

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