Ah, this was tried once before to get included in Base, and it was turned 
down.  Colon makes much more sense here (and works better, too). 

One final iteration (I'll see if we can get this version into Base):

function Base.reshape{N}(a::AbstractArray, dims::NTuple{N, Union(Int, 
    missing_mask = [isa(x, Colon) for x in dims]
    sum(missing_mask) == 1 || throw(DimensionMismatch("new dimensions 
$(dims) may only have up to one omitted dimension"))
    sz = length(a) / prod(dims[!missing_mask])
    sz == int(sz) || throw(DimensionMismatch("array size $(length(a)) must 
be divisible by the product of the new dimensions $(dims[!missing_mask])"))
    reshape(a, map(x->isa(x, Colon) ? int(sz) : x, dims))

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