Thanks, that's great!

Maybe this should make it to upstream julia.
Fixed-size arrays are essential to get good performance, and compact memory


On Wed, May 7, 2014 at 5:46 PM, Tobias Knopp <>wrote:

> see I have been using
> ImmutableArrays.jl which works fine.
> Am Mittwoch, 7. Mai 2014 17:12:04 UTC+2 schrieb Carlos Becker:
>> Hello, I am trying to find out the best way to deal with immutables (or
>> types) that contain fixed-size arrays, such as this:
>> # should have variable number of
>> # Uint64's
>> immutable Descriptor
>>    a1::Uint64
>>    a2::Uint64
>>    a3::Uint64
>>    a4::Uint64
>> end
>> # should work with variable-size Descriptor
>> function myDist(x1::Descriptor,x2::Descriptor) :inline
>>      return count_ones(x1.a1 $ x2.a1) + count_ones(x1.a2 $ x2.a2) + 
>> count_ones(x1.a3 $ x2.a3) + count_ones(x1.a4 $ x2.a4)
>> end
>> In this specific case, Descriptor is 32-bytes wide, but I would like to
>> make the code generic for different number of elements in the immutable.
>> If fixed-size arrays were available, this would be very easy, but which
>> is a neat way of doing this with the current julia v0.3?
>> btw, the code above runs amazingly fast, using popcount instructions when
>> available, almost c-speed ;)
>> This is good news for Julia indeed.
>> Thanks.

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