You can still use meta-programming to generate the code

function removeLine(poly, index)
    for op = (:a, :b, :x1, :y1, :x2, :y2, :typ)
        @eval splice!($poly.$op, $index)

On Thursday, May 8, 2014 5:40:35 PM UTC+3, Stéphane Laurent wrote:
> Thank you Johan and Jameson.
> Johan, I don't know how to make a loop on the fields with a function. For 
> example this doesn't work:
> function removeLine(poly::Poly, index::Int)
>     for op = (:a, :b, :x1, :y1, :x2, :y2, :typ)
>         splice!(poly.$op, index)
>     end
> end
> How to do, please ?
> Le jeudi 8 mai 2014 15:59:06 UTC+2, Jameson a écrit :
>> Replace your macro with a function and delete the uses of eval. You code 
>> will be faster, and easier to understand. Most of the difficulty people 
>> seem to have with macros comes from thinking they are a type of function 
>> call -- the @ character is supposed to remind you that this is not true.
>> On Thursday, May 8, 2014, Johan Sigfrids <> wrote:
>>> I myself have been hitting my head against the wall that is 
>>> meta-programming in Julia. I think I can answer your first question at 
>>> least.
>>> Q1: This is because the line poly = emptyPoly doesn't create a new copy 
>>> of a ploygon but a reference to the empty one so that both poly and 
>>> emptyPoly 
>>> refer to the same data. You need to do poly = deepcopy(emptyPoly) . 
>>> On Thursday, May 8, 2014 9:56:27 AM UTC+3, Stéphane Laurent wrote:
>>> Hello everybody,
>>>  Below I define two new types : Line and Poly. The Poly type is intended 
>>> for stacking some lines.  
>>> type Line
>>>         a::Float64   # intercept
>>>         b::BigFloat  # slope
>>>         x1::BigFloat # x-coordinate of first vertex
>>>         y1::BigFloat # y-coordinate of first vertex
>>>         x2::BigFloat # x-coordinate of second vertex
>>>         y2::BigFloat # y-coordinate of second vertex
>>>         typ::Bool    # type of the line (true:upper, false:lower)
>>> end
>>> type Poly
>>>         a::Vector{Float64}
>>>         b::Vector{BigFloat}
>>>         x1::Vector{BigFloat}
>>>         y1::Vector{BigFloat}
>>>         x2::Vector{BigFloat}
>>>         y2::Vector{BigFloat}
>>>         typ::Vector{Bool}
>>> end
>>> I also define the empty Poly:
>>> emptyPoly = Poly(Array(Float64,0), Array

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