Hello colleague,

On Friday, May 9, 2014 11:13:06 PM UTC+2, Steve Kelly wrote:
> I am going to be developing some software for 3D printing. For path 
> planning, we will need to use the clipping algorithm. 
> Graphics.jl mentions a clip function. 
> https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/blob/master/base/graphics.jl
> Cairo.jl uses the C implementation in Cairo.
> i'm not so sure if the call to cairo's clip - which is just a hint to the 
internal polygon/tesselation units where to put paint and where not - is 
the thing you need (especially as cairo is 2D only). So you probably need 
to implement a 3D clipping anyway

> I would like to implement this algorithm natively in Julia. My question to 
> the community is whether it be more appropriate to create a new package or 
> optionally add the algorithm to Graphics.jl (or another package)?

I think Julia woud benefit of something like a computational geometry pkg 
that deal with the basic problems of point/line/polygon/meshes and 
inside/outside testing, clipping, intersection. 

When i started looking at julia i was missing a inpolygon (matlab basic 
command) counterpart. It wasn't there, i implemented a local julia 
solution, but never found a place to contribute. 

Wishing a happy day,

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