You'll probably have more luck with `readsfrom` than `readall`.


On Monday, May 12, 2014 04:34:14 PM Yakir Gagnon wrote:
> I have a bunch of NEF images that I need to do some calculations with. I
> could just convert and save them all to some normal format with dcraw, but
> that will just take disk-space. I'd rather read them into Julia somehow.
> dcraw has an option to output the image to the pipe (dcraw -c filename), so
> I thought that since Images.jl's imread can read streams, maybe I can get
> it to work that way. Something along the lines of:
> I = imread(readall(`dcraw -c "SHT_0001.NEF"`),PPMBinary())
> But this doesn't work. Any ideas?

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