The difference between those two lines is that "x" is a variable binding,
"x.a" is a reference inside "x". If the value that the variable"x" is bound
to is shared (as when you put it in a set), then modifying "x.a" will
modify that everywhere because it modifies the value x is bound to. "x =
new" binds x to a new value; this new binding of x is completely separate
from it's previous value and does not modify the previous value.

The above is another attempt at explanation. You asked for a rule to
memorize, so I'll try to give you one, although it is likely that there are
corner cases where understanding will serve you better:
1. Anything of the form <variable name> = <new value> will behave like your
example of "t1 = testtype(false)" (does not modify other references)
2. Anything of the form <variable name>.<property name> = <new value> will
behave like your example of "t1.v = false" (does modify other references)

* Modifying functions (sort!, etc) will follow rule 2; non-modifying
functions (sort, etc) will follow rule 1.
* Setting array values (a[5] = 2) will follow rule 2, as will setting
values in other collections (these are syntactic sugar for setindex!, which
is a modifying function)

-- Leah

On Mon, May 12, 2014 at 7:14 PM, Andrew Dabrowski <>wrote:

> So it is OO 101, thanks.
> Note that to a programming naif the difference between
> x.a = new
> and
> x = new
> isn't very perspicuous, but in the first the value of x is modified (old
> pointer maintained?) while in the second it is replaced (new pointer?).  Is
> there a rule of thumb I can memorize so as to able to tell when a
> variable's value will be modified and when a new value will be created?  Is
> it just the use of = as assignment?

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