OMG. So awesome! Thanks!!!

Yakir Gagnon
The Queensland Brain Institute (Building #79)
The University of Queensland
Brisbane QLD 4072

cell +61 (0)424 393 332
work +61 (0)733 654 089

On Thu, May 15, 2014 at 11:33 PM, Kevin Squire <>wrote:

> One nice thing about Julia is that she borrows many (though not all) good
> ideas from other languages. In this case, enumerate came from Python
> (although it likely has other incarnations).
> Cheers!
>    Kevin
> On Thursday, May 15, 2014, Billou Bielour <> wrote:
>> I was thinking the same thing the other day, when using *for x in xs* I
>> often find myself needing an index at some point and then I have to change
>> the for loop, or write an index manually.
>> Enumerate is exactly what I need in this case.
>> +1 for Julia

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