Hey guys,

I'm confused by this dictionary behaviour.

I create a dictionary like this:

for line=readlines(open(string(directo, "4_column_file.tab")))[2:end]
    tmp = split(line, '\t')
    ste_data[(tmp[1], tmp[2], tmp[3])] = tmp[4]

Then I run 
v = collect(keys(ste_data)) 

to get an array of dictionary keys.

If I run
>> ste_data[v[1]]
>> "12233/r/r/n"

where v[1] = ("27517","66", "2") according to stdout from assigning v.

If however I enter:
ste_data["27517","66", "2"] or ste_data[("27517","66", "2")] then I get a 

It seems to me that these should be equivalent to entering v[1].

Can anyone explain what's going on.


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