Sure I just made a very quick benchmark and it should not be taken too 
seriously. I just thought we should not speculate too much on what Matlab 
does but better measure it.

Am Donnerstag, 22. Mai 2014 15:38:15 UTC+2 schrieb
> Le jeudi 22 mai 2014 09:51:44 UTC+2, Tobias Knopp a écrit :
>> To give this discussions some facts I have done some benchmarking on my 
>> own
>> Matlab R2013a:
>> function [ y ] = perf( )
>>   N = 10000000;
>>   x = rand(N,1);
>>   y = x + x .* x + x .* x;
>> end
>> >> tic;y=perf();toc;
>> Elapsed time is 0.177664 seconds.
>> Julia 0.3 prerelease
>>  function perf()
>>    N = 10000000
>>    x = rand(N)
>>    y = x + x .* x + x .* x
>>  end
>> julia> @time perf()
>> elapsed time: 0.232852894 seconds (400002808 bytes allocated)
>> using Devectorize.jl
>>  function perf_devec()
>>    N = 10000000
>>    x = rand(N)
>>    @devec y = x + x .* x + x .* x
>>  end
>> julia> @time perf_devec()
>> elapsed time: 0.084605794 seconds (160000664 bytes allocated)
>> So seems all pretty consistent to me. Matlab is a little better in 
>> vectorized code as they presumely have a better memory caching. But still 
>> explicit devectorization using the @devec macro performs best. So using 
>> vectorized code in Julia is fine and "reasonable fast". If someone wants to 
>> do performance tweaking I don't see the issue telling him about 
>> devectorization.
> Ahah !!! I was sure of it: we don't talk about the same thing. To me,
> @devec y = x + x .* x + x .* x
> is actually *vectorized* code :). When I'm talking about devectorizing 
> code, I'm only talking about explicit loops. It's a shame that I only paid 
> attention to Devectorize.jl yesterday night. This thing is awesome and it 
> should be a great place to contribute to.
> This should be the very first answer to "this part of my code is too slow".
> Regarding the benchmarks you've done, thanks. Without evidence, no 
> discussion. I agree.
> But there are two problems with your benchmarks. Firstly, you've not 
> repeated them and therefore can't associate an uncertainty with them. Maybe 
> matlab code is not actually faster. Secondly, what if matlab or julia 
> actually spend most of its time getting the random vector?
> I'd recommend  you to repeat your result and compare directly the 
> estimated distribution function. I've done just that for your simple code. 
> I just put N = rand(...) outside of the function each time. I also created 
> devectorized versions of your code (I mean, with explicit loops written by 
> myself). Once with ".*" as a multiplier and once with "*". The resulting 
> kernel densities can be found attached.
> As you can see, the resulting functions are not even close from a 
> Gaussian. Normality tests failed for each of those distributions. How to 
> explain that? Easy: a typical desktop computer does nothing most of the 
> time. Once you launch something, it spends it's time on this but from time 
> to time very rarely, it needs to spend some CPU time on something else. 
> Therefore, there is the mode : the most probable execution time and a tail 
> that is bigger on the side of increasing times.
> I just go the time using tic(), toc(), so for each of the thousand 
> repetitions of the exact same calculation, I could follow the execution 
> time in real time. The fact that "Explicit loop (*)" has a bigger and 
> stranger tail is directly related to the fact that I used my mouse quite 
> intensively during that run. What does that mean? 
> 1) One must repeat calculations for benchmarking.
> 2) Calculating the mean of the repetitions is useless because it is not a 
> good estimator of the mode of the distribution.
> The point 1 is obvious, but not point 2 : please consider the second plot 
> attached which is a zoomed in part of the first one. As you can see, the 
> mode of the "Explicit loop (*)" curve is positioned slightly on the left 
> compared to the "Explicit loop (.*)" curve. This certainly means that for 
> scalars, "*" has less overhead than ".*" (maybe just a couple of extra 
> "if"s or an extra function call). However, because I shook my mouse (on 
> purpose) during that run (it was so funny to see the execution time bump on 
> the terminal), it has a bigger asymmetric tail. 
> The result? The ".*" is on "average" 3% faster than the "*" version.
> The problem? This is not a function benchmark, this is a system load 
> benchmark.
> Oh my, I've done it again, sorry for the long post.

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