Thanks John.

I should have filed it as an issue on DataFrames.jl but initially thought it 
could deeper than that.

For now in Stan.jl I've included a 'small' cleanup step. Small for say 1000 
samples, a bit bigger for 100000 samples.

Like you mentioned earlier, for years I've been using 
file-out-file-in-communication for Jags and other programs (Finite Elements) 
and was quite ok with it because sampling and FE iterations dominated the time 
to complete.

FOFI really only became an issue when I had to adjust values in between each of 
hundreds of runs (e.g. a stiffness matrix in FEM when dealing with buckling).

Rob J. Goedman

On May 22, 2014, at 10:16 AM, John Myles White <> wrote:

> I need to find time to look into this, but could someone try a git bisect and 
> see if some of the metaprogramming changes we made to readtable caused this? 
> It might be that this file would have never worked, but if it once did, it 
> would be good to point out the problematic code.
>  — John
> On May 20, 2014, at 7:53 PM, Rob J. Goedman <> wrote:
>> Actually, another way to make it work is removing the blank line. Below 
>> little program shows that readtable() accepts test_df1 and test_df2, but 
>> fails on test_df3.
>> Also, the fact that it started to happen today had nothing todo with Julia 
>> or DataFrame updates. The file is created by Stan and the latest version 
>> inserts that blank line.
>> Of course I could clean up the file, but maybe this is an issue in 
>> DataFrame's readtable function?
>> Apologies for the earlier incomplete report.
>> Rob J. Goedman
>> <test_df.jl><test_df1.csv>
>> <test_df2.csv>
>> <test_df3.csv>
>> julia> 
>> include("/Users/rob/.julia/v0.3/MCMCExampleRepository/test/test_df.jl")
>> 4x10 DataFrame
>> |-------|---------------|---------|---------|
>> | Col # | Name          | Eltype  | Missing |
>> | 1     | lp__          | Float64 | 0       |
>> | 2     | accept_stat__ | Float64 | 0       |
>> | 3     | stepsize__    | Float64 | 0       |
>> | 4     | treedepth__   | Int64   | 0       |
>> | 5     | n_leapfrog__  | Int64   | 0       |
>> | 6     | n_divergent__ | Int64   | 0       |
>> | 7     | beta_1        | Float64 | 0       |
>> | 8     | beta_2        | Float64 | 0       |
>> | 9     | beta_3        | Float64 | 0       |
>> | 10    | sigma         | Float64 | 0       |
>> 4x10 DataFrame
>> |-------|---------------|---------|---------|
>> | Col # | Name          | Eltype  | Missing |
>> | 1     | lp__          | Float64 | 0       |
>> | 2     | accept_stat__ | Float64 | 0       |
>> | 3     | stepsize__    | Float64 | 0       |
>> | 4     | treedepth__   | Int64   | 0       |
>> | 5     | n_leapfrog__  | Int64   | 0       |
>> | 6     | n_divergent__ | Int64   | 0       |
>> | 7     | beta_1        | Float64 | 0       |
>> | 8     | beta_2        | Float64 | 0       |
>> | 9     | beta_3        | Float64 | 0       |
>> | 10    | sigma         | Float64 | 0       |
>> ERROR: BoundsError()
>>  in findcorruption at 
>> /Users/rob/.julia/v0.3/DataFrames/src/dataframe/io.jl:663
>>  in readtable! at /Users/rob/.julia/v0.3/DataFrames/src/dataframe/io.jl:731
>>  in readtable at /Users/rob/.julia/v0.3/DataFrames/src/dataframe/io.jl:812
>>  in readtable at /Users/rob/.julia/v0.3/DataFrames/src/dataframe/io.jl:879
>>  in include at boot.jl:244
>> while loading /Users/rob/.julia/v0.3/MCMCExampleRepository/test/test_df.jl, 
>> in expression starting on line 11
>> julia> 
>> On May 20, 2014, at 6:36 PM, Rob J. Goedman <> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Using a freshly updated Version 0.3.0-prerelease+3251 (2014-05-20 23:18 
>>> UTC) of Julia I think I noticed a different behavior of readtable(), which 
>>> I hope is not intended.
>>> I have a small test file with data as shown below (and attached as a file 
>>> at the end of the email):
>>> lp__,accept_stat__,stepsize__,treedepth__,n_leapfrog__,n_divergent__,mu
>>> # Adaptation terminated
>>> -19.8871,0.975123,0.303529,4,15,0,4.25051
>>> -22.1208,0.971631,0.303529,3,7,0,8.55276
>>> -23.8336,0.857954,0.303529,4,15,0,4.41087
>>> If I remove the commented line ("# Adaptation terminated"), readtable() has 
>>> no problem, but if it's there readtable() seems to ignore the 
>>> 'allowcomments=true'.
>>> I didn't update DataFrames as far as I am aware, but once or twice today I 
>>> did pull Julia's master from github.
>>> I wonder if someone could try this example. Thanks a lot.
>>> Rob J. Goedman
>>> julia> df = readtable("schools8_samples.csv", allowcomments=true)
>>> ERROR: Saw 4 rows, 5 columns and 22 fields
>>>  * Line 1 has 3 columns
>>>  in error at error.jl:21
>>>  in findcorruption at 
>>> /Users/rob/.julia/v0.3/DataFrames/src/dataframe/io.jl:680
>>>  in readtable! at /Users/rob/.julia/v0.3/DataFrames/src/dataframe/io.jl:731
>>>  in readtable at /Users/rob/.julia/v0.3/DataFrames/src/dataframe/io.jl:812
>>>  in readtable at /Users/rob/.julia/v0.3/DataFrames/src/dataframe/io.jl:879
>>> julia> df = readtable("schools8_samples.csv", allowcomments=true)
>>> 3x7 DataFrame
>>> |-------|---------------|---------|---------|
>>> | Col # | Name          | Eltype  | Missing |
>>> | 1     | lp__          | Float64 | 0       |
>>> | 2     | accept_stat__ | Float64 | 0       |
>>> | 3     | stepsize__    | Float64 | 0       |
>>> | 4     | treedepth__   | Int64   | 0       |
>>> | 5     | n_leapfrog__  | Int64   | 0       |
>>> | 6     | n_divergent__ | Int64   | 0       |
>>> | 7     | mu            | Float64 | 0       |
>>> <schools8_samples.csv>

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