The double posting that occasionally happens on these lists is usually
because we moderate first-time posters and people post once and assume it
was eaten by the system, and while their message is awaiting moderation,
they post again. I generally just approve all of the posts. This is a bit
annoying, but otherwise we get a lot of recruiting spam, which is even more
annoying. Perhaps I should make a few more people moderators to reduce the
expected time for moderation to occur.

On Sat, May 24, 2014 at 5:46 PM, Elliot Saba <> wrote:

> Hey there, Remco.  Double-posting is not necessary to get a response,
> things tend to get answered within a day or so, often much sooner.
> To create an object type in Julia, you can take a look at the
> documentation for defining composite 
> types<>,
> your "lastname" and "firstname" member variables can be declared as part of
> a Person object like so:
> *type Person*
> *    firstname*
> *    lastname*
> *end*
> If you want to force firstname and lastname to be strings, you can do so
> with type annotations, as shown in the composite types link above
> To define functionality, Julia does not have member functions like many
> other OOP languages.  Instead, everything is done through multiple
> dispatch, essentially you would define a method called "fullname" that
> takes in a variable of type Person:
> *fullname(p::Person) = string(p.firstname, " ", p.lastname)*
> I suggest you read through the 
> methods<> section
> of the manual for more on this.  Note that since you're used to Ruby, you
> might find it more convenient to use string interpolation instead of the
> string constructor, both are equivalent, although using the string
> constructor directly is more performant:
> *fullname(p::Person) = "$(p.firstname) $(p.lastname)"*
> Finally, to construct a person object, each type defined in Julia is given
> a default constructor, so you can use that and initialize all fields
> immediately:
> *p = Person("john", "smith")*
> If you want to define your own constructors, I suggest you read the 
> constructors
> section <> of
> the manual.
>  -E
> On Sat, May 24, 2014 at 11:10 AM, Remco <> wrote:
>> Hi, I am new to julia and i am not sure how to do this in julia:
>> class Person
>>     attr_accessor :lastname, :firstname
>>     def fullname
>>         "#{firstname} #{lastname}"
>>     end
>> end
>> jan =
>> jan.firstname = "Jan"
>> jan.lastname = "Janssen"
>> puts jan.fullname
>> Regards, Remco

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