Right, hcat(a…) does that (up to a transpose since julia stores things in 
column major order ).

julia> a = Array(Array, 0)
0-element Array{Array{T,N},1}

julia> push!(a, [1, 2])
1-element Array{Array{T,N},1}:

julia> push!(a, [3, 4])
2-element Array{Array{T,N},1}:

julia> b = hcat(a...)
2x2 Array{Int64,2}:
 1  3
 2  4

julia> b[:, 2]
2-element Array{Int64,1}:

On Sunday, May 25, 2014 10:42:38 AM UTC-7, Freddy Chua wrote:

I mean, is there a function that allows me to take in a and return a matrix?
> b = convert_to_matrix(a)
> b[:, 2] = [2,4]
> On Monday, May 26, 2014 1:36:47 AM UTC+8, Freddy Chua wrote:
>> For example
>> a = Array(Array, 0)
>> push!(a, [1, 2])
>> push!(a, [3, 4])
>> Gives me an array of array. Can I get a matrix easily in this way?

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