> Thank you both for the suggestions. I've re-written the code >> JULIA3, with 
> amazing results. JULIA2 was the previous "optimised" code.
Test 1, J2: 0.751340928, J3: 0.008927998, C: 0.007420171; max-error = 0.0

Test 2, J2: 0.71344446, J3: 0.009042345, C: 0.007583811; max-error = 0.0

Test 3, J2: 0.719000046, J3: 0.008970343, C: 0.007626061; max-error = 0.0

Test 4, J2: 0.707967183, J3: 0.008979525, C: 0.007572056; max-error = 0.0

Test 5, J2: 0.730254977, J3: 0.009012892, C: 0.007649305; max-error = 0.0

. . ..   (repeating the test gives consistent results; C is gcc with -O3)

The new code and the test-code are copied below. Of course this means I 
have to write C-style codes in Julia to get this sort of performance. Why 
does Julia not optimise 

        dE[:, k] += dJ

        dE[:, n] -= dJ


        for i = 1:d

            dE[i, k] += dJ * r[i]

            dE[i, n] -= dJ * r[i]



> I think you should also replace your (s*s*s*s*s) with s^5 - it'll 
> automatically do the "right thing", and I'd be surprised if that is slower.

If I revert to s^5, etc, then I lose 2 orders of magnitude.

I will look into NumericExtensions and the profiler next.

Thank you again for the help.


function energy_julia3(x)

N = size(x,2); d = size(x,1)

E = 0.0; dE = zeros(d, N)

r = zeros(d);

dJ = 0.; s = 0.

for n = 1:(N-1)

    for k = (n+1):N

        s = 0.

        for i = 1:d

            r[i] = x[i,k]-x[i,n]

            s += r[i]*r[i]


        E += 1./(s*s*s*s*s*s) - 2. / (s*s*s)

        dJ = -12. * (1./(s*s*s*s*s*s*s) - 1./(s*s*s*s))

        for i = 1:d

            dE[i, k] += dJ * r[i]

            dE[i, n] -= dJ * r[i]




return E, dE


function meshgrid{T}(vx::AbstractVector{T}, vy::AbstractVector{T})

    m, n = length(vy), length(vx)

    vx = reshape(vx, 1, n)

    vy = reshape(vy, m, 1)

    (repmat(vx, m, 1), repmat(vy, 1, n))


function lj_test_juliaopt(N)

    x = linspace(0, N, N+1)   
    x, y = meshgrid(x, x)

    x = [x[:] y[:]]'

   for n = 1:10

       tic(); Ej2, dEj2 = energy_julia2(x); t2 = toq();

       tic(); Ej3, dEj3 = energy_julia3(x); t3 = toq();


       dEc = zeros(size(x))

       Ec = ccall( (:energy, "./libljtest_c"), Cdouble, (Ptr{Cdouble}, 
Ptr{Cdouble}, Cint, Cint), x, dEc, size(x,2), size(x,1))

       tc = toq();

       error = max( abs(Ej2-Ej3), abs(Ej2-Ec), norm(dEj2[:]-dEj3[:], Inf), 
norm(dEj2[:]-dEc[:], Inf) )

       println("Test ", n, ", J2: ", t2, ", J3: ", t3, ", C: ", tc, "; 
max-error = ", error)



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