Or you can use

    typealias FPArray{T<:FloatingPoint} Array{T}

    foo(a::FPArray, b::FPArray) = a+b

to get the same effect (foo will still apply when the element types of aand 
b are different).

Perhaps we could introduce a syntax to create such a covariant typealias on 
the fly, e.g.

    const FPArray2 = Array{<:FloatingPoint}

would work the same as FPArray above (though with an anonymous/hidden type 
Then the example could be written

    foo(a::Array{<:FloatingPoint}, b::Array{<:FloatingPoint}) = a+b

if you don't want to define the typealias first.

On Sunday, 25 May 2014 17:44:26 UTC+2, Pierre-Yves GĂ©rardy wrote:
> On Sunday, May 25, 2014 5:10:49 PM UTC+2, James Crist wrote:
>> Yeah, that's what I've been using. My issue with it is that the 
>> declarations get long for functions with more than 2 arrays. Was hoping 
>> there was a more concise way.
> You can use  typealias Fp FloatingPoint , then
> function foo{T1<:Fp, T2<:Fp}(a::Array{T1}, b::Array{T2}) 

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