It was posted -- I saw Jeff fix this.

On Sunday, June 1, 2014, Ivar Nesje <> wrote:

> It does not look like this was ever posted in the github tracker.
> kl. 17:33:37 UTC+2 onsdag 28. mai 2014 skrev Jameson følgende:
>> Looks like a code lowering bug. Can you post this to the github issue
>> tracker?
>> On Wednesday, May 28, 2014, Adam Kapor <> wrote:
>>> I'm not sure what :(::) is supposed to do below, but not giving an error
>>> at top level suggests to me that x[1] is "an expression computing a value."
>>> In any case, I was surprised that += runs but doesn't `setindex!` x
>>> julia> x=zeros(2)
>>> 2-element Array{Float64,1}:
>>>  0.0
>>>  0.0
>>> julia> x[1]::Float64 += 1.
>>> 1.0
>>> julia> x
>>> 2-element Array{Float64,1}:
>>>  0.0
>>>  0.0
>>> julia> x[1]::Float64 = 1.
>>> ERROR: syntax: invalid assignment location "x[1]"
>>> julia> myf(x) = x[1]::Float64+=1
>>> myf (generic function with 1 method)
>>> julia> code_lowered(myf,(Array,))
>>> 1-element Array{Any,1}:
>>>  :($(Expr(:lambda, {:x}, {{:#s36,:#s40},{{:x,:Any,0},{:
>>> #s36,:Any,18},{:#s40,:Float64,2}},{}}, :(begin  # none, line 1:
>>>         #s40 = top(typeassert)(top(convert)(Float64,getindex(x,1)),
>>> Float64)
>>>         #s36 = top(typeassert)(#s40,Float64) + 1
>>>         #s40 = top(typeassert)(top(convert)(Float64,#s36),Float64)
>>>         return #s36
>>>     end))))
>>> julia> myf_noassert(x) = x[1]+=1
>>> myf_noassert (generic function with 1 method)
>>> julia> code_lowered(myf_noassert, (Array,))
>>> 1-element Array{Any,1}:
>>>  :($(Expr(:lambda, {:x}, {{:#s30},{{:x,:Any,0},{:#s30,:Any,18}},{}},
>>> :(begin  # none, line 1:
>>>         #s30 = getindex(x,1) + 1
>>>         setindex!(x,#s30,1)
>>>         return #s30
>>>     end))))

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